Details of 97+
Show: 97+
Location: The Rose Theatre, Edge Hill University, Ormskirk
Date: Tuesday 11th October 2022
Time: 19.30
Running Time: 90 Minutes (no interval)
Age Rating: 15+
Performers: Colin Kilbride, Leslie Longley, Julie McCabe, and Alice McKillop
Writer: Tom Cain
Director: Tom Cain
I first met Tom in my first year of university as I thought I got offered to do some camera work, arrived on set to be thrusted a script. Tom made the experience so enjoyable. He even ended up spontaneously singing mysterious girl, so it’s fair to say I’ve been a fan of Tom since I met him. For the past year I have been following the development of 97+. I wear the fact I was at the debut show like a badge of honor. I was there when history was being made where was you? Sort of attitude.
The story of 97+ is one that needs to be shared around the UK. It’s tragic, beautiful, and above all else about British history, and event unfairly forgotten from our country’s curriculum. This is where Tom comes in, educating and entertaining the masses! So let’s take a look at their latest show!
Story of 97+
Set in 2012 the story of 97+ mainly follows two fellow Hillsborough survivors John (Colin Kilbride) and Steve (Leslie Longley). The two have totally different attitudes towards their traumatic experience yet respect one another even more than they may disagree. Its really warming to watch, it truly is an example of humanity at its best. We also get to meet nurse Nancy (Alice McKillop) and Liz (Julie McCabe)the two survivors support systems as they fight public opinion. We follow Steve get introduced to the movement and what’s going on to get justice for the 97+. 97+ retells the events of The Report of The Hillsborough Independent Panel. Thankfully and justifiably so the panel concludes that LIVERPOOL FANS DID NOT CAUSE THE DISASTER!
Unfortunately, the troubles are not over however as thanks to a keen eyed and outspoken Liz, John notices the attempts to cover up the survivors’ testimonies/statements. Taking this as the final weight to break the camel’s back Steve plummets into a whirlpool of anxiety, survivors’ guilt, and unfortunately self-harm. Luckily the couple John and Liz arrive in time to save John. Nancy patches him up, reassures his feelings matter and it doesn’t make him weak, nor is he not on the same level of other survivors.
She comforts him by explaining just because your experiences are different doesn’t mean you should compare everyone is justified in their pain. To feel it. One message John pushes throughout is “Get your head straight so you can celebrate when we win.” For me it just sums up the sense of comradery the four characters share in 97+
Analysis of 97+
97+ is one of the most impactful, meaningful stories I have had the blessing to witness not only once but twice and loved it each time. I’m only saddened by me being ill made me miss it at Liverpool Theatre Festival. It could have been my 3rd time! Well I’ll have to eagerly wait for another chance to watch this masterpiece! I can only second my boss Mark’s powerful words and reinforce how much people (15+) in the area, the country even needs to see this play. Its Liverpool history, English history.
It really does make you understand the struggle people who have ties to this national tragedy still experience. People still have severe PTSD, and other mental and physical health problems brought on by traumatic memories that just won’t stay buried. But why should they? That’s the meaning behind 97+. They shouldn’t keep buried away, only through sharing with each other can we get better and even potentially move on to a live not so controlled by one moment. I mean look at what Tom has done with what his Grandad shared with him; it truly is beautiful. Just like the poppies on the fields or war, Tom’s 97+ is the symbol of triumph and beauty arising from the pain, anguish, and tragedy.
The story is beautifully down to earth and uplifting. It takes you on an epic roller coaster of emotions attuned to Shakespeare but if you can hold on you won’t regret it! Tom Cain truly is a master of juggling comedy and tragedy be sure to follow his career as he is bound for great things. This is his debut original piece and I’m overwhelmed with how outstanding it is, I can only wait in anticipation what he does from here.
Cast of 97+
The cast are wonderful, they have been both times I watched the play. All of the separate character dynamics/relationships have amazing chemistry. Both the two male stars and their support systems. Some of my most memorable moments are Steve and Nurse Nancy, yet I’d be lying if I didn’t say Alice McKillop stole that 1st scene the two share. She is outstanding, somehow even topping the last performance I watched. Colin Kilbride was yet again on top performance. You could really hear the emotion carried in his voice whilst he delivered his dialogue, it really gripped you into their story, their pain, their experience.
Last time I watched 97+ Nancy’s scrubs were blue I didn’t like that, it seemed to be more depressing than the character of Nancy. Which made me live the subtle change from blue to pink. The warmer colour really helps with the mis en scene and more accurately relays Nancy’s character to the audience. I also saw Julie McCabe have some more fun with the comedy bits. I wasn’t sure if they were changes or improvisational bits, yet she had me in stiches even more than last time. Don’t think I forgot about you Leslie; you were taking me through the emotions throughout the show. The emotional range Leslie and Colin show just in their voice delivering dialogue brought more than a single tear to my eye.
Summary of 97+
The story of 97+ is beautifully down to earth and uplifting. It takes you on an epic roller coaster of emotions attuned to Shakespeare but if you can hold on you won’t regret it! Tom Cain truly is a master of juggling comedy and tragedy be sure to follow his career as he is bound for great things. This is his debut original piece and I’m overwhelmed with how outstanding it is, I can only wait in anticipation what he does from here.
Overall Rating: 10 – Masterpiece!
QnA With Director – Tom Cain
Q1 -How does it feel to be making something you love but also helping a good cause whilst you’re doing it?
At first it was really scary to be honest, incase I had misinterpreted any of my research and made any inaccuracies. I had to ensure my actors said their lines precisely particularly when they mention key dates as I knew our audience members would know these. But after I spoke to a member of the HSA after our debut show back in May, he said ‘it was all very accurate and is a great platform to educate audiences on the truth of Hillsborough’.
He had joined me for an online interview back in 2020 when I was conducting my plays initial research. To hear this after meeting in person after the show in May 2022 was a massive weight off my shoulders, and has given me the drive to schedule more 97+ performances. Education and raising awareness that there are still those that suffer from their trauma today has always been my plays aims.
Q2 – Further on in your advertisements you talk about your Grandad how does it feel to be working on 97+, educating people to what he personally experienced?
It brings back lots of memories of him. When I was first writing the play I suffered regularly from nightmares about Hillsborough, it was all I could ever think about and sometimes he was in them too. I hope he would be incredibly proud of the work I am doing with a topic so close to my families heart.
Q3 – If your ruled it down to one thing, what would you want 97+ to achieve?
Many people think 97+ is all about football specifically LFC, but it’s about so much more than that. It’s about the friendships that form and touches upon subjects such as Depression, PTSD, Suicide and Self Harm. Above all else the most important matter at hand is for the play to shine a glimmer of hope to anyone who is suffering out there and encourage them to get help and support one another, particularly in reducing the rate of suicide.
Q4 – I can personally say I visibly cringe whenever I hear someone mention a source, or article from the said uncredible newspaper. I feel disgrace whenever I see their logo. Has anyone from the not so credible newspaper reached out to the support group or even the writer of the article? Like has the not so credible newspaper ever tried to make up for the damage it did?
That paper which I choose not to even name to not give them any sort of publicity is still hated amongst Liverpool. Yes they have made an apology since, but I believe what that paper printed on their front page was one of the key components as to why the people of Liverpool have been slandered for all those years, and for that reason it’s unforgivable. A printed apology is not enough when to this day opposition fans at Anfield still chant ‘murderers’ because of something they had written.
Q5- Obviously, the journey of 97+ is still ongoing and will achieve great heights, but any ideas of what comes next? Will you be adapting the story as the work continues to be done by the Hillsborough Survivors Support Alliance. Is there anything in particular you would like to spread awareness of, as you informed me so well the work is still ongoing.
After the performance on Tuesday 11th October, we have a Schools Edition the following day also at Edge Hill University where years 10 and 11 school groups will be coming to watch an hours version of 97+. I created this Schools Edition to support The Real Truth Legacy Project meaning Hillsborough has now been added on to the school curriculum.
Our aims are to educate audiences on the truth of Hillsborough and in doing so will prevent the slander that has been present at football matches starting from an educational route through a younger audience. I am also in the process of scheduling in a date for the full play to make its debut in a Liverpool Theatre. That has always remained the overall goal.
Link to the Hillsborough Survivors Support Alliance.
Find tickets of their next performance here!