Show: Out Of The Narrow Place: A Ritual For Black Descendants Of Slaves
Location: Unity Theatre, Liverpool
Date: Thursday October 14 2021
Time: 19.30
Running Time: 80 Minutes
Age Rating: 14+
Production Company: One September/Aleasha Chauntes
This is our theatre review for Out Of The Narrow Place: A Ritual For Black Descendants Of Slaves at Liverpool‘s Unity Theatre. So, let’s take a look at Out Of The Narrow Place: A Ritual For Black Descendants Of Slaves.
Out Of The Narrow Place: A Ritual For Black Descendants Of Slaves
This show provides a meal, a ritual and a performance work in progress. And it covers the true meaning of being a descendant of African slaves. Now, it comes from a desire to live fully in spite of a painful history and a troublesome present. But artist Aleasha Chaunte seeks to create the perfect ritual that can heal this very specific pain. Indeed, she believes that art does have a crucial place within society. And she is a social justice worker providing this show alongside One September. Note that this show covers race and the experiences of those who encounter racism and suffer harm because of it.
This show would have an unusual and unique set-up. For starters, the show would begin not within the auditorium itself, but in the Unity’s bar area. There, we would receive a message from Alaesha promoting the Unity and suggesting that attendees leave a gift for its efforts. Then, we would go inside the auditorium itself. But rather than sitting on one back wall, attendees would surround the stage, And in the centre was a large dining table with five women sitting at designated spots.
From there, Alaesha would discuss the importance of acceptance for all black people, but primarily black women. In doing so, she would recount experiences of her family and their forefathers during the heyday of the slave trade. Amidst the recital of poetry and the impersonation of wild ravens, we would hear clear, important messages. Amongst those are how white people cannot feel the pain that black people experience when racism occurs. Furthermore, the “Narrow Place” represents the feeling of entrapment when black people feel they have nowhere to turn when racism happens. And the clearest message of all is one that everybody should consider when analysing racism in modern society. The message is, there’s nothing wrong with being black, but there is something wrong with the perception that racist people have.
Overall, this is a thought-provoking and insightful show that serves to both educate and enhance one’s understanding. It tackles serious issues with a logical and at times light-hearted approach. But the message of encouraging acceptance and equality rings through loud and clear. And for that reason, this show archives its ultimate goal.
Target Audience: 14+
Content: Discussion Of Racist Themes
Recommendation?: Yes
Overall Rating: 8/10 – Very Good
Out Of The Narrow Place: A Ritual For Black Descendants Of Slaves Further Link
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