Show: That’s What She Said
Location: Unity Theatre, Liverpool
Date: Saturday September 25 2021
Time: 19.30
Running Time: 90 Minutes
Age Rating: 16+
Production Company: Out The Attic
This is our theatre review for That’s What She Said at Liverpool‘s Unity Theatre. The show would be an intriguing and educational insight into life as a woman in 2021. So, let’s take a look at That’s What She Said!
That’s What She Said
Six girls spending one week in Ibiza. But with similar differences. So, this show covers the experiences of six young women who have a holiday in Ibiza. Additionally, it explains the divisions that they notice between various classes, races and backgrounds of women. But notably, it also examines their friendships and their universally relatable experiences. Furthermore, its basis comes from real-life experiences of cast members, who discuss sisterhood, race and being a woman in 2021. Note that this show would contain strong language, sexual assault themes, sexual references and flashing lights.
That’s What She Said has some interesting foundations. So, two groups of three girls are heading out to Ibiza to have a great holiday under the sun. And once their paths intercross, they have an even better time, or so we think. For as the show progresses, we hear personal monologues from each of the characters. A pulling back of the curtain, in some respects. These range from humorous (discussions of sexual discovery) to significant (a coming-out) to upsetting (an explanation of date rape). And we’re also privy to continuous injustices that women receive simply because of who they are and what they look like. From unnecessary security checks to harassment, these make up some of the issues that women still face nowadays.
But while the show handles serious themes (LED text on the suitcases near the stage would provide context to the topics in a unique touch), there is also much to enjoy. So, while some attendees may relate to the stereotypes that females face, they could also probably relate to the positive side. And here, it’s about strong friends that stick together to make sure everyone enjoys themselves on their big holiday. Along the way, there’s singing, dancing, innuendos aplenty and one-liners that would have the audience howling. (A little too loudly, actually, but that’s another story.) Oh, and there would be a great soundtrack of club anthems to generate a tremendous atmosphere throughout the show. Significantly, though, we learn at the end that all the tales are real, and that “progression, not perfection” summarises what it truly means to be a woman in 2021.
I feel this is a show that is worth watching for the entertainment value alone, but also for the education. And that goes for everybody, really. It goes for young women who are in a similar position and to know how to avoid risky scenarios beforehand. Furthermore, it goes for men of all ages who may still need to realise how to appropriately treat women. And it also goes for the general public, who oftentimes contribute to the refuelling of stereotypes like those in this very show. So, whether you’re coming for the laughs, the music or the knowledge, this show is thoroughly enjoyable and informative.
Target Audience: 16+
Content: Very Frequent Strong Language, Frequent Sexual Themes, Themes Of Sexual Assault
Recommendation?: Yes
Overall Rating: 9/10 – Outstanding
That’s What She Said Further Link
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