Written By: Carole Bayley
Format: Pantomime
Genre: Comedy
Date: December 12 2018
Location: Playhouse Theatre, Liverpool
A Christmas Carol at The Liverpool Playhouse. A night of music, comedy and zany performing!
The original story has been done so many times, in a variety of different genres. But nothing quite like this show.
The Muppets Christmas Carol has long been my absolute favourite. However, Spymonkey tried really hard to take that mantle as they excelled in their depiction of the original story without losing the plot, nor the Christmas sentiments and message renowned of the classic Charles Dickens book. The story is a well-known tale known by all, so there is no need for me to explain the plot.
We were entertained with hilarious laugh-out-loud lines and scenes that had me giggling throughout. It was almost an extremely well-produced adult’s pantomime, but far better. It is quite an accomplishment to do this tale in such an unexpected, ingenious and hilarious manner. They were up-to-date by including current news, and they even got in a Brexit line which had the audience in stitches.
I for one will be on the look-out for any future productions by the fabulously entertaining and highly-talented Spymonkey company.
Toby Park plays the lead part of Scrooge, and is superbly supported by his three sidekicks: Aitor Basauri, Petra Massey and Sophie Russell, all of whom perform a variety of roles between them. They do indeed have a plethora of accents. The variety, style and standard of music played by the on-stage band added to the great atmosphere in the auditorium. It was a joyous and hilarious adaption with unexpected results. In the words of Tiny Tim: God bless us everyone.
In my opinion, this is an adult Christmas must-see, and so reasonably priced.
Overall Rating: 8.5/10 – Excellent