The following is a guest post from Debz of Get Virtual Assistance …
There are lots of industries and even individuals that have been affected by the restrictions and lockdown periods of 2020. Although the nationwide restrictions are due to be lifted this week, there are different tiers and local lockdowns which mean that many of these industries will continue to suffer. There is no denying that performing arts, cinema and theatre are all affected massively by the events of 2020, and let’s face it – are likely to face this for time.
Although some areas are allowing performances to start up again, these are with much smaller audiences and even a smaller number of actors allowed to partake in any performances, so without a doubt the industries will continue to suffer. That is why, as people who enjoy performing arts, film, books etc. it is more important than ever that we show our support in different ways.
Social Media
One of the biggest ways you can support these places is to interact with them on social media. Follow them on Twitter, like them on Facebook and share them on Instagram. Many social media platform have an algorithm that means, the more people that interact with pages the more new people they will show the content to. So, just by spending some time making sure you follow, share and save content these places are putting on social media, you can make all the difference to how many people see what they are putting out there.
I’m based in Hampshire and some of my smaller, local theatres are holding fundraisers. Different local companies have clubbed together to offer prizes – and people can buy raffle tickets for a chance to win. You may even find that they have simply set up something like a Just Giving page in order to try and raise some funds. Of course, not everyone is able to donate to any of these but if you are able to then the chances are even a small donation will make a big difference.
Do You Need a Refund?
Although theatres are generally trying to rearrange performances for when it is safe to do so, some will inevitably have to be cancelled. If this is the case for something you have tickets to, consider whether you need a refund or whether you could consider it a donation to their cause? Without a doubt, if you need the money then you are entitled to a refund, but it could be a nice gesture to show your support by simply letting them keep the ticket money for the cancelled show.
Attending A Performance
When the time is right, why not attend a performance? Not only will you get some light relief from being able to do something you enjoy – but it is the best way to support the whole industry. Not only are you supporting it by purchasing a ticket, but you’re showing that we all need the arts & that could help the industry get some much needed help from elsewhere.
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